Cuenta de Mastodon para seguir blogs de Derecho Público

He creado un bot (cuenta automatizada) en Mastodon, para recopilar enlaces a los blogs de Derecho Público más interesantes. Cada vez que estos blogs publiquen un artículo, saldrá una actualización en esa cuenta. La podréis encontrar en Empieza con los blogs relacionados a continuación. Todos de derecho español, puede que más adelante me aventure también en el derecho de otros países latinoamericanos. Si queréis sugerir algún otro blog interesante, podéis escribir un post/toot dirigido a @blogsderechopublico@esq.

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🚀 The web is yours | James' Coffee Blog

There is one more question to answer: how do you start a website? I have a few recommendations.

  1. Read the 32-Bit Cafe “Creating Your Own Website” guide.
  2. Read the IndieWeb Getting Started (“Get Your Own Site”) guide
  3. Join a Homebrew Website Club meetup and ask how you can start building your own website.

No coding is necessary to build your own website.

What platform should I use, James? That is a personal question, but I have a few recommendations:

  • (no coding required)
  • WordPress (no coding required)
  •, a tool that has many tools to create websites that you can use with no coding experience. You can make link pages, blogs, and more!
  • Neocities, a free place you can publish HTML sites. There are over 700,000 websites hosted on Neocities.
  • Make your own website with plain HTML (for new coders)
  • Make a website with a site generator like Eleventy (for coders who know a bit about HTML and JavaScript.

The web is yours.

We live exciting times again. And James makes excellent points to add up to the ever growing conversation: own your space in the web and come out to the world from the place you build yourself. #tech #eng

🚀 These ridiculous Josephine No 2 wine glasses

These Josephinen Hütte glasses are, uh, not durable. What they are, though is incredibly gorgeous, insanely thin and very light. I could stack superlatives all day and you still wouldn’t get it until you held one in your hands. It feels like you’re holding heavy oxygen. When you drink from them it feels like the wine is materializing out of thin air into your mouth, it’s really ridiculous.

I love a proper hedonist, an epicurean. Salud, Panzer. #eng

🚀 A moment with a great book – Manu

The other day I finished reading Things Become Other Things by Craig Mod and for the first time in my life, a book made me feel the need to hug the author. Craig, thank you for creating this book.

And thank you, Manuel, for bringing Craig Mod to my attention. #eng 📚

🚀 Separating Fact from Fiction on Social Media in Times of Conflict - bellingcat

In a time of crisis, social media is flooded with images, videos and bold claims. This can be useful for researchers like ourselves but overwhelming for the general public seeking the facts.

At Bellingcat, we pride ourselves on providing tools and resources for our audience to think critically about sources they find online. In this short guide, we give a few tips on what to consider when confronted with an abundance of footage and claims.

Here’s how to separate fact from fiction with real, recent examples of misinformation.

Good advices to keep a skeptic eye on misinformation. #eng

1800-2050 AD will go down in history as the brief period when humanity could afford to have billions of people dedicated to sitting on their arses, reading and writing on increasingly technological devices and getting fat. It was not sustainable, so an apocalyptic event put an end to it.


“When this news arrived, there wasn’t any cheering in the Defense Ministry as there’d been before. Only silence. Minister Chiang, who had sat diligently at the head of the conference table all through the night, stood and headed for the door. Lin Bao, as the second most senior officer in the room, felt obliged to ask him where he was going and when he might return—the battle wasn’t over yet, he reminded the minister. The Ford was out there, injured but still a threat. Minister Chiang turned back toward Lin Bao, and his expression, which was usually so exuberant, appeared tired, contorted by the fatigue he’d hidden these many weeks. “I’m only stepping out for some fresh air,” he said, glancing at his watch. “The sun will be up soon. It’s a whole new day and I’d like to watch the dawn.””

— 2034: A Novel of the Next World War. Elliot Ackerman, Admiral James Stavridis USN 📚

Roscón de Reyes

Igual que el año pasado, siguiendo la receta de Iban Yarza, el maestro, que está muy bien explicada aquí. Ahora la parte más difícil: dejar que repose hasta mañana. Actualización: hemos conseguido esperar y esta mañana ha merecido la pena. Buen desayuno.

🚀 Nikki Haley’s key aide stays quiet | Semafor

Lerner’s hand is clearly visible in Haley’s simple, patient approach to the 2024 campaign. Unlike her rivals, she’s opted against focusing on a single state — a time-honored path to a moment of glory and a losing campaign. Instead, she’s stretched her focus out to all the primary states, trying to chart a narrow course across the early primaries toward ending up as the sole non-Trump alternative. Her message to voters is also simple: She’s the most electable Republican — and one who can depart from the “chaos” that so often surrounds Trump.

Haley, who pays Lerner’s firm a relatively modest $15,000 monthly retainer, has also been frugal, a preoccupation of Lerner’s (and a marked contrast with DeSantis’s messy, extravagant bid). On Tuesday, the campaign announced it had raised $24 million in the fourth quarter of 2023 — more than doubling their previous fundraising numbers — and entered the new year with $14.5 million cash on hand.

It’s Haley’s own dexterity, however, that has kept her upright, at least until recently, on the near-impossible Republican tightrope. She’s a rare former Trump aide who maintained both her relationship with him and her distance from him, a party of one who is seen neither as Trump’s pawn nor his nemesis. Winning a Republican primary against him may well be impossible, but Haley and Lerner’s careful strategy seem, so far, to have gotten her closer than anyone else.

A very interesting piece on Nikki Haley’s strategy for the GOP nomination, and her strategist, Jon Lerner. #eng

Empiezo el roscón de reyes. Prefermento con harina, leche y levadura. E infusión de peladura de naranja y de limón, con canela en rama, en leche. Mañana por la tarde sale el roscón, preparado para la mañana de reyes.

Cazo de leche calentando e infusionando peladura de naranja y de limón con una rama de canela. Bola de prefermento de harina, leche y levadura, en un bol blanco.

Mastodoneko profil batetan hau irakurri dut: “Bizitzan egiten dugun (ia) guztia politikoa da”. Eta konforme egon naiteke, baina ez dut onartu nahi. Bizitzaz gozatu nahi dut, izan nahi dut izan, egiten dudan edozerri bigarren esangura politiko/ideologiko bat bilatu beharrik gabe. Aurreko batean euskaraz argitaratu berri diren rol jokoez irakurri nuen. Ze polita, pentsatu nuen, nahi dut taldetxo bat egin eta probatu. Segituan lotu zuen norbaitek burujabetasunarekin eta nazio eraikuntzarekin. Zein aspergarri eta nekagarria den, utzidazu jostatzen, bizitzen, gozatzen, eta zure agenda politikoa gorde. Talde erlijiosoa ematen dute, beti “berri ona” partekatu arazi nahian.

🚀 Things I Learned This Year - Carl Barenbrug

Things I Learned This Year

  1. You don’t need to fill your time. Creating calendar white space provides a buffer for work and play.
  2. Find the intersection of doing what makes you happy, what is smart for you long-term, and what is useful to others. Whatever that is, do it often.
  3. Ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.
  4. Friends are not forever, but they enrich our lives like no others can.
  5. Age should never hold back your confidence.
  6. Nobody cares how many books you’ve read. People care what books you’ve read. And timing can determine quality. The impact a book can have on you is dependent on where you are in life.
  7. Don’t dwell on augmenting your life. Self-care is more important than you probably think.
  8. Move to your own rhythm. This is where progress is realised. Keeping pace with others is a losing battle.
  9. How slowly or quickly you think is not an accurate measurement of your intelligence. Slow thinking is more deliberate and less emotional.
  10. Just because AI is available, doesn’t mean you need it in your product.
  11. Personal websites and newsletters are far more valuable than any social media presence.
  12. You can’t teach minimalism to somebody who hasn’t felt the pain of having too much stuff.
  13. Solo projects evolve faster, but collaborative projects evolve better.
  14. We don’t need a million followers. And maybe we don’t need a thousand true fans. But we probably could use ten good internet friends to make our digital life better.
  15. Email is the best form of communication. Especially if you write informally.
  16. It’s okay to obsess over numbers, but only if they give a sense of mission rather than distraction.

This is a list of 20 things that Carl learned last year. I highlighted the ones that are meaningful to me, go over to Carl’s page to read the rest. They make quite a good 2024 bucket list for me.


🚀 Nochevieja — Jorge Sanz

Faltan cinco minutos para las doce de noche de fin de año y aquí estoy en la mecedora, a oscuras. Bernat por fin duerme. No sé si los ruidos de la calle lo van a despertar ahora cuando la gente se coma las uvas.

Nosotros nos las comimos a las ocho de la tarde o así, con un video de las uvas de 2022 reproducido más lento y haciendo una pausa en la campana 6 para tomar el aire.

Feliz Año.

Feliz año, Jorge y Bernat.

🚀 01 — heyazorin

Y así comienza 2024, mi año de la federación.

Eligiendo compartir letras en un espacio en blanco y sin entender todavía cómo funcionan los símbolos que hay que poner para enlazar, ennegrecer y cursivear.

Esto es lo que quiero: navegar de blog en blog y llevar las páginas que me gustan al mío, para saludarles desde allí e ir haciendo contactos y comunidad de blog a blog. Se supone que para eso están las webmentions, pero no acabo de entender cómo funcionan.

People that use different languages regularly, how do you handle your social media? Do you have separate accounts for each language. Do you use a single account? Do you find that mixing languages in one single account might deter people from engaging or following? I use mostly Spanish and English, sometimes Basque, and I don’t know if mixing all languages is good for engagement or not. What do you think? #eng

🚀 Here’s why the fediverse is the future of social networks, and the web - The Verge

Decentralizing social media can sound like a sort of kumbaya anti-capitalist manifesto: “It’s about openness and sharing, not capitalism, man!” In practice it’s the opposite: it’s a truly free market approach to social networking. Mastodon may not be interested in becoming a trillion-dollar company, but there’s no reason there can’t be plenty of those built on the fediverse. It’s just that in a fediverse-dominated world, the way to win is not to achieve excellent lock-in and network effects. The only way to win is to build the best product.

The best thing about the fediverse is that it will actually enable an explosion of better social products, for lots of reasons but one in particular: it allows for so many more of them. Forget the hand-wavy protocol stuff for a second — one of the best things about embracing ActivityPub is that it sticks a crowbar into a single Voltron-ic product like Facebook or Twitter or Snapchat and pries it apart into its component pieces, each one ripe for innovation and new ideas.

We’re still in the very early days of the fediverse, and it’s going to be messy for a while. It might feel like you’re seeing the same posts too many times, and like you see some posts that obviously weren’t meant to be seen in the app or feed you’re using. Some particularly thirsty influencers are going to go hard on cross-posting tools that threaten to clutter up all your feeds everywhere and become totally unavoidable. This is not a problem with the protocols; it’s an opportunity for better products. There’s plenty of money to be made in the fediverse, and plenty of space for new products to take off.

If 2023 was the year “fediverse” became a buzzword, 2024 will be the year it becomes an industry. (Hopefully one with a better name, but I’ll get over that.) We’ve spent too long living our lives online in someone else’s spaces. What’s next will belong to all of us. All that’s left to do is start posting.

Repitiendo tradición anual. Concierto de año nuevo desde Viena. Mientras arranco con el puré de patatas para acompañar al pulpo a la plancha, uno de los entrantes de hoy. Viene la Amá con angulas.Mañana volveremos al pie del cañón, pero hoy todo parece posible.


Mi oración. Hoy, para empezar el año. Vivo en un país libre Cual solamente puede ser libre En esta tierra, en este instante Y soy feliz porque soy gigante Amo a una mujer clara Que amo y me ama Sin pedir nada O casi nada Que no es lo mismo Pero es igual Y si esto fuera poco Tengo mis cantos Que poco a poco Muelo y rehago

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La carita de mi Niña Pastori siempre, siempre me hace sonreír.